Dan Romero

Improved Anki stylesheets

I’ve long been a fan of Anki as a general purpose tool for learning new concepts. Michael Nielsen has a good overview of using Anki to augment long-term memory.

Despite it being useful free software overall, Anki’s UI is not its strong point. I find the default font size for cards is too small and dislike the lack of clear visual differentiation between questions and answers.

I recently discovered that the Anki card templating system is HTML and CSS-based, and thus fairly straightforward to create custom styles for cards.

Since most of the deck content is text, I was able to leverage the text-focused design of this site for a quick improvement for the legibility and aesthetics of my Anki cards. It turned a default card from something like this…


…into something like this:


Improvements include: larger font size, improved typeface in San Francisco, left-aligned text for longer, multiline answers, off-white background, and subtle improvements to the visual weight of the <hr> tag.

Below are instructions for how to set this up for yourself. The sample deck in the the example is 100% text-based. You could easily modify the design to incorporate images (just another class or <span>).


  1. Open up the Anki Mac client.1
  2. Open the deck you want to style by clicking the name of the deck and then the Study Now button.
  3. In the lower left corner click on the Edit button.
  4. In the top left corner click on the Cards... button.
  5. Add the below to each of the 3 sections of the Card Types window.


In the front template section, I used an <h1> wrapped around the word field for the front of the card.2


For the styling section, I used the following CSS.

.card {
 font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
 font-size: 2em;
 background-color: #fafafa;
 max-width: 40rem;
 padding: 2rem;
 margin: auto;
 color: #222;

And for the back template, I repeated the word field and separated it from the definition field by an <hr>.


<hr />


  1. I haven’t tested this on Windows or Linux. I don’t think editing styles works on mobile. 

  2. The fields in this deck are word and definition

First published on February 19, 2020